Note: These pages were actually created as a resource for our existing SEO clients. However, the content just seems too good to not make publicly available. Enjoy!
Aspects of your web presence you need take charge of… if you want this to work
Do you remember the scene in the locker room in the movie Jerry Maguire where he’s begging his client to “help me, help you!”? Well, this is me asking you to help me help you 🙂
Performing well in Google is about checking all the ‘boxes’ Google wants to see. You hire us to check many of those boxes, but there’s certain things only you can do for your business. Some of these things you are likely already doing, but some of them, you may be neglecting. I have worked with over 300 small businesses doing SEO over the last 10 years and I can tell you that these things are absolutely critical.
When I look at the clients we have had that did not get great results from our SEO service (yes, there are a few) they almost unanimously where not doing most of these things. I feel terrible when that happens and putting together these articles is actually a response to that. I want to see all of my clients get an amazing return on investment with our services.
Is it going to take some time to understand all this? To implement these things? Absolutely. 100%. But, I don’t think I need to convince you that today, Google is far and away the number one way people find things outside of word-of-mouth. For most businesses, success achieving a strong web presence isn’t an option… It’s make-or-break.
So, I strongly suggest you make a commitment to read these articles and make sure you are implementing these practices. They’re all short, to the point, and just the good stuff!
1. Understand the Basics of SEO
If you were to start looking around the web to understand how SEO works, you will find yourself quickly overwhelmed. There is a plethora of conflicting opinions, outdated facts and ultimately a whole bunch of people trying to sell you stuff. End of the day, there’s just two foundational concepts that you as a website owner should understand. Here’s the two concepts…
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2. Lot’s of Text Content Text on Your Home Page & Other Important Pages
We already understand that having lots of text content on our homepage and important pages such as service pages is important but there are certain best practices that people generally don’t Implement…
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3. Get Links From Your Suppliers, Vendors, Clients, Partners, Friends, Etc
There are links only you (the business owner) can get and often times they will be the difference-maker! In addition to just boosting the overall number of links your site has, most of these things will be very relevant to your business which can really help boost Google rankings.
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4. Ask Friends & Clients for Reviews on Google or Facebook
A few reviews goes a very long way. Google wants to see typically a minimum of 5 reviews before they will show the ‘star’ rating so maybe set that as a minimum goal. Most of us, can achieve this goal simply by asking a few friends, family…
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5. Do Other Marketing for Your Business… Yes, This Helps Your SEO
No matter how amazingly we optimize your website, how much content there is there, and how many great links are built… Google can tell if nobody visits or cares about your website. So, especially for new businesses, other forms of advertising have to come into place that ultimately generate traffic to your website, emails referring to your business… all of which Google sees.
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